Why do I have to complete the Basic Course in Human Subjects Protection?
In keeping the Montclair State University Institutional Review Board’s desire to provide protection of human participants, all key personnel and all members of the research team must show evidence of their understanding of the protection of human participants. The evidence of this understanding is shown in the completion of the Basic Course in Human Subjects Protection.
Who has to take this training?
All members of the research team and any key personnel who are involved in the research process must provide certificates of completion.
Will my application to the IRB be reviewed if members of the research team are not trained and certified?
The IRB will review applications if members of the research team are not trained and certified. However, no letters of approval will be awarded until all members of the research team and key personnel provide their certificates of training.
Will the Montclair State University IRB accept certificates of training from other institutions if there are some members of the research team who are not from Montclair State?
Yes, provided that written or electronic documentation of such training is provided to the University IRB.
Will the Montclair State University IRB accept my certificate of completion if I obtained it at another institution?
No. University faculty, staff and students must complete the IRB approved training for Montclair State University. If you are a research team member from another institution, we may accept another institution’s certificate, provided that written or electronic documentation of such training is provided to the Montclair State University IRB.
If I have a problem or any other questions about training and education for human subjects research, whom do I contact?
Contact the IRB Office Staff, 973-655-3021 or reviewboard@mail.sydotnet.net.