Poll Everywhere

As of February 2024, Poll Everywhere is now available campus-wide! To access Poll Everywhere, navigate to http://id.polleverywhere.com/login and sign in with your netid @ mail.sydotnet.net to be redirected to our Single Sign-on system.

Polls are quick, informal quizzes or surveys that can be used in your classes to gauge student understanding at various points during the learning process. Best used as a formative assessment tool (i.e., not counted for a grade), polls can help you reinforce the material you cover in your lectures. Some considerations for using polls:

  • Start off a lecture with a poll that recaps material students read prior to class or from a previous class session
  • Use a poll at checkpoints during lectures to assess student understanding of new material or connections to previous material
  • End class with a poll as an exit ticket to see what students took away from class

With this data, you can then gain valuable insights as to where your students are thriving and struggling, both as an entire class and, with some tools, at a student-by-student level, allowing for interventions when students are having difficulty understanding material before a higher-stakes assessment, such as a project or exam. This also doubles as a metacognitive tool for your students, giving them a chance to realize where gaps in their own knowledge may be in a low-stakes environment.

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